Using Lottie Android

You can build the sample app yourself or download it from the Play Store. The sample app includes some built in animations but also allows you to load an animation from internal storage or from a url.


Gradle is the only supported build configuration, so just add the dependency to your projectbuild.gradlefile:

dependencies {  
  compile  ''

Shipping something with Lottie?

Email us at [email protected] and soon we will create a testimonials and use cases page with real world usages of Lottie from around the world.

Using Lottie

Lottie supports ICS (API 14) and above. The simplest way to use it is with LottieAnimationView:

        app:lottie_autoPlay="true" />

Or you can load it programmatically in multiple ways. From a json asset in app/src/main/assets:

LottieAnimationView animationView = (LottieAnimationView) findViewById(;

This method will load the file and parse the animation in the background and asynchronously start rendering once completed.

If you want to reuse an animation such as in each item of a list or load it from a network request JSONObject:

LottieAnimationView animationView = (LottieAnimationView) findViewById(;
 Cancellable compositionCancellable = LottieComposition.Factory.fromJson(getResources(), jsonObject, (composition) -> {

 // Cancel to stop asynchronous loading of composition
 // compositionCancellable.cancel();

You can then control the animation or add listeners:

animationView.addAnimatorUpdateListener((animation) -> {
    // Do something.
if (animationView.isAnimating()) {
    // Do something.
// Custom animation speed or duration.
ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f)
animator.addUpdateListener(animation -> {

You can add a color filter to the whole animation, a specific layer, or specific content within a layer:

// Any class that conforms to the ColorFilter interface
final PorterDuffColorFilter colorFilter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(Color.RED, PorterDuff.Mode.LIGHTEN);

// Adding a color filter to the whole view

// Adding a color filter to a specific layer
animationView.addColorFilterToLayer("hello_layer", colorFilter);

// Adding a color filter to specfic content on the "hello_layer"
animationView.addColorFilterToContent("hello_layer", "hello", colorFilter);

// Clear all color filters

You can also add a color filter to the whole animation in the layout XML, which will be applied withPorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP:

        app:lottie_colorFilter="@color/blue" />

Note: Color filters are only available for layers such as Image layer and Solid layer as well as content that includes fill, stroke, or group content.

Under the hood,LottieAnimationViewusesLottieDrawableto render its animations. If you need to, you can use the drawable form directly:

LottieDrawable drawable = new LottieDrawable();
LottieComposition.Factory.fromAssetFileName(getContext(), "hello-world.json", (composition) -> {

If your animation will be frequently reused,LottieAnimationViewhas an optional caching strategy built in. UseLottieAnimationView#setAnimation(String, CacheStrategy).CacheStrategycan beStrong,Weak, orNoneto haveLottieAnimationViewhold a strong or weak reference to the loaded and parsed animation.

Image Support

You can animate images if your animation is loaded from assets and your image file is in a subdirectory of assets. Just callsetImageAssetsFolderonLottieAnimationVieworLottieDrawablewith the relative folder inside of assets and make sure that the images that bodymovin export are in that folder with their names unchanged (should be img_#). If you useLottieDrawabledirectly, you must callrecycleBitmapswhen you are done with it.

If you need to provide your own bitmaps if you downloaded them from the network or something, you can provide a delegate to do that:

animationView.setImageAssetDelegate(new ImageAssetDelegate() {
         @Override public Bitmap fetchBitmap(LottieImageAsset asset) {

Performance and Memory

  1. If the composition has no masks or mattes then the performance and memory overhead should be quite good. No bitmaps are created and most operations are simple canvas draw operations.
  2. If the composition has masks or mattes, offscreen buffers will be used and there will be a performance hit as it gets drawn.
  3. If you are using your animation in a list, it is recommended to use a CacheStrategy in LottieAnimationView.setAnimation(String, CacheStrategy) so the animations do not have to be deserialized every time.

Try it out

Clone this repository and run the LottieSample module to see a bunch of sample animations. The JSON files for them are located inLottieSample/src/main/assets and the original After Effects files are located in /After Effects Samples

The sample app can also load json files at a given url or locally on your device (like Downloads or on your sdcard).


Contributors are more than welcome. Just upload a PR with a description of your changes. Lottie usesFacebook screenshot tests for Android to identify pixel level changes/breakages. Please run./gradlew --daemon recordMode screenshotTestsbefore uploading a PR to ensure that nothing has broken. Use a Nexus 5 emulator running Lollipop for this. Changed screenshots will show up in your git diff if you have.

If you would like to add more JSON files and screenshot tests, feel free to do so and add the test toLottieTest.

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